The legendary WU , World Unknown returns for a rare blast South of the river again for once! Very excited by this as you can imagine, first party to smash the new two room situation at Venue MOT (Bermondsey, my local) and it went off, special love to the wuumb and all those playing, it was super cotch in there. Also of note the opening set by Cosmic Sanj in the dance space was a refreshing, raw tingle of disco euphoria, power chords with bang house flavours, no cheeze only sleaze, and lots of smiling faces. I didn’t get a chance to catch the don Andy Blake himself unfortunately, but Il let the pictures speak the volumes of my experience.

We’re back, going deeper as ever…
Check World Unknown and Venue MOT
Get the latest @SMBH and cop the zine now you’re stuck inside with nothing to do, reminisce and look forward to the summer 🙂